The challenging days we are experiencing give God’s children relevant opportunities to express our faith in God’s strength and wisdom and to demonstrate our love for fellowman.
With that in mind, and in cooperation with our national, state, and local leaders, Plant City Church of God’s response to the global Covid19 Coronavirus pandemic is initially as follows:
Beginning this Sunday, March 22nd, our 10:15 am service will shift to an online format.
Join us by going to and click on “Livestream” or visit our Facebook page and watch from there at
Grow Classes are canceled until further notice.
Special Activities Postponed
- The annual Kids Spring Extreme, Into the Future, has been postponed to a date TBA.
- The Student Ministries’ Spring Refresher has been postponed to a date TBA.
- Royal Ranger Pow Wow postponed to a date TBA.
Services & Events Cancelled
As of Sunday, March 15, evening prayer meetings, Wednesday evening classes & services, and all other meetings, classes, connect groups, practices, trips, off-campus activities, and ministry groups are canceled until further notice.
Please understand this response is taken after sincere consideration of what we can do as a community of faith to help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus.
This is our initial response. We will update these decisions and actions as conditions and regulations necessitate. So please check PCCOG’s social media sites and website often.
In the meantime:
Do not be overcome with fear:
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”
2 Timothy 1:7
Be Smart to observe the suggestions from various agencies regarding regular hygiene and limiting social contact:
Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake…”. 1 Peter 2:13
In addition to our normal weekly cleaning protocols, additional sanitizing and cleaning steps have been activated in the church facilities.
When you arrive at church, you will receive an opened door and happy greeting without our ServeTeam’s normal friendly handshake.
Other in-service elements will be changed to ensure the utmost safety of every worshiper. You may consider taking advantage of setting up your tithing and giving online or via text.
Click on for details, or call 813-752-4591 for assistance.
And, if you are part of an especially vulnerable age group or are otherwise physically limited or challenged, please use these days to join our worship services on Livestream.
Get immediate medical attention if you exhibit symptoms of the virus, or have had contact with anyone who has, or may have had, interaction with infected persons:
“Be very careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise…” Ephesians 5:15
Pray for God’s protection & His healing for our nation and world.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything”
Philippians 4:6
We love you and are praying for you, our community, our leaders, and our neighbors locally and globally.
Love – Connect – Serve
Pastors Jeff & Carla Robinson